
Northwest Country Coachers BannersWe are an FMCA chapter representing the owners of Class A motor-homes manufactured by Country Coach from the Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon) although most of our members live in Washington and Oregon. We hold several rallies, weekend gatherings and socials from February through November every year. We welcome all FMCA members to our events and encourage our members to invite their RV enthusiast friends to join us at our functions as well.

NorthWest Country CoachersPeruse our web site to get to know us a bit. You will find information about upcoming rallies; a useful Service Directory compiled by our members; contact information and of course a New Member Application.

We'd love to meet you sometime so please contact us or come to one of our events soon! Not a member of FMCA? Don't own a Country Coach? Not a problem, just contact us and be our guest at one of our club functions.

Want to join our chapter but don't belong to FMCA?

No problem! You can join FMCA concurrently to applying to our chapter. You'll find the online or printable forms and instructions you need on our Member Application page, just click on the button below:

New Member Application

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